Island Rules
General Items
All nightly and weekly bookings, check-in and check-out are to be done online
Check-in is 2pm and check-out is at 12pm (no early check in or check out)
Quiet time hours from 10pm-8am ( as well as turn off outside lights on campers)
All trash must be bagged and tied shut before going in dumpster
Registered sex offenders are not permitted
No golf carts
No open display of firearms or brandishing anything that could be mistaken as a real firearm. Possession of firearms is subject to state and federal law (good guys can have them, bad guys beware)
No fireworks
Campsite and Common Areas
No smoking or public drunkenness in common areas
One additional tent on a site is subject to occupancy. Rates are based on one family per site. An additional family will have a $45 tent site fee applied. This is an “add on” option when you book online.
Please do not make alterations to campsite without approval of management. We also do like your suggestions!
Please don’t leave nails, screws, or anything else in the trees
There is to be no dumping of any waste water anywhere except the dump station or site hook-up
All fires must be contained in a fire ring. Please do not move the placement of the fire ring without management approval so we can keep our grass nice. Let us know if you think a different spot would be better!
Please don’t leave unburned trash in your fire pit upon departure.
No flags, signs, clothing or any other public display of political, vulgar or abusive language will be permitted. When on the island, let’s just relax
2 vehicle per site so long as they do not encroach on road or other sites
Overflow parking area is available
Vehicles are to be completely off the road
No unattended pets
3 pet limit
Pets are to be leashed when outside of the camper/tent
Noisy or aggressive dogs may need to be removed by owner from the Island
No dog droppings left behind
It is the responsibility of the guest to inform their visitors of these rules
Guests who willfully or negligently deface, damage, or destroy campground property will be liable for the full cost to repair or replace as well as removal from the campground with no refund
Campground Island is not responsible for accidents or personal property. The campground will not be liable for any loss or damage to personal property
Water Rules
Guests and visitors are responsible for following any related state or local ordinances with regard to licensing
No swimming
Children must always be under direct supervision or their parent/guardian when at the creek
Do not go near the waterfall, the waterfall is very dangerous
Flooding Guidelines
Sometimes when on an island, you may encounter an adventure
Not every flash flood warning in the area poses a risk to the campground
We make every effort to watch and warn of flooding risk. Guests are advised to also be aware of the weather and make decisions accordingly. Our cancellation policy will be upheld unless we are under a FEMA issues flood watch.
In the event of a hurricane or a major storm caused by a hurricane, we will evacuate the island as a precaution
We encourage guests to purchase the weather guarantee when booking that will allow for a refund when storms rage. The weather guarantee is through a third party and not affiliated Campground Island.